1、月亮非常圆犹如一张罗盘,挂在远方的天上。 1, the moon is very round like a compass, hanging in the distance of the sky. 2、月亮非常圆像月饼挂在空中。 2, the moon is very round like a moon cake hanging in the air. 3、月亮非常圆像银盘一样挂在空中。 3, the moon is round like silver...
1、桃花开了,粉红的颜色如同小姑娘羞红的脸。 1, peach blossom, pink color as the little girl shy red face. 2、桃花开了像火炬一样。 2, the peach blossom like a torch. 3、桃花开了千树万枝就像火焰一般。 3, the peach blossom opened a thousand trees like fire. 4、桃花开了,从远处看,...